RFID SDK for Android


This Guide provides details about various Frequently Asked Questions about RFID operations or usage of RFID3 API

Get Version Information

Q. How to get SDK version information ?

Getting the Reader and SDK version information

// version information
HashMap versionInfo = new HashMap<>(5);
String readerVersion = versionInfo.get("RFID_DEVICE"); // use "GENX_DEVICE" key for RFD8500
String radio_engine = versionInfo.get("NGE");
String sdkVersion = reader.versionInfo().getVersion();
Log.d(TAG, "Reader v" + readerVersion + " radio " + radio_engine + " SDK " + sdkVersion);

Tag Write Operation

Q. What are the steps to perform TAG Write on memory bank user, reserved or epc?

Q. How to handle partial writes?

Q. How to select single tag before performing write?

Steps for performing TAG write operation and increasing write performace follow Big Guide to Tag Write


Q. How to use attributes?

Attributes are reader parameters/configurations defined using number, to work with attributes follow Attributes

Switching RFID and Barcode mode

Q. How to switch between barcode and RFID mode

Steps for performing to switch mode follow Trigger Mode switching

Access filter \ criteria

Q. How to use access criteria or access filters

Developer guide section 5-22 has section on Access filters – ‘Using Access-Filters’


Q. How to read single tag using EPC ID

Please refer PreFilter to read only single tag

Unique tag reporting

Q. How to read each tag once only ?

Set Configuration to report unique tags only; so each tag is reported once only eventhough read happens. To clear Reader database call reader.Actions.purgeTags()to clear tags after inventory round finishes


RFID Results error codes

Q. What are the diffrent errors returned by API

Please refer RFIDResults class in RFID3 API

Migrating to new SDK

Please refer RFIDResults class in Migrating to new SDK