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ZebraPrinterFactory Methods

The ZebraPrinterFactory type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public method Static member CreateLinkOsPrinter(ZebraPrinter) Create a wrapper around a Zebra printer that provides access to Link-OS™ features.
Public method Static member CreateLinkOsPrinter(ZebraPrinter, LinkOsInformation) Create a wrapper around a Zebra printer that provides access to Link-OS™ features.
Public method Static member CreateLinkOsPrinter(ZebraPrinter, PrinterLanguage) Create a wrapper around a Zebra printer that provides access to Link-OS™ features.
Public method Static member CreateLinkOsPrinter(ZebraPrinter, LinkOsInformation, PrinterLanguage) Create a wrapper around a Zebra printer that provides access to Link-OS™ features.
Public method Equals
(Inherited from Object)
Public method GetHashCode
(Inherited from Object)
Public method Static member GetInstance(Connection) Factory method to create the correct ZebraPrinter concrete class based on the printer's control language.
Public method Static member GetInstance(PrinterLanguage, Connection) Factory method to create the correct ZebraPrinter concrete class based on the printer's control language.
Public method Static member GetInstance(String[], Connection) Factory method to create the correct ZebraPrinter concrete class based on the printer's control language.
Public method Static member GetLinkOsPrinter(Connection) Create Link-OS™ Zebra printer from a connection that provides access to Link-OS™ features.
Public method Static member GetLinkOsPrinter(Connection, LinkOsInformation) Create Link-OS™ Zebra printer from a connection that provides access to Link-OS™ features.
Public method Static member GetLinkOsPrinter(Connection, PrinterLanguage) Create Link-OS™ Zebra printer from a connection that provides access to Link-OS™ features.
Public method Static member GetLinkOsPrinter(Connection, LinkOsInformation, PrinterLanguage) Create Link-OS™ Zebra printer from a connection that provides access to Link-OS™ features.
Public method GetType
(Inherited from Object)
Public method ToString
(Inherited from Object)
See Also