Pro-Series Device Features

This matrix displays only the MX features present in TC2x and Zebra Professional-series devices.
The OSX, MX and Android API version numbers shown for each parameter indicate the minimum version of support for that parameter.
Configuration barcodes and XML/JavaScript code generated by Zebra StageNow or EMDK tools using those (or later) versions should be effective on Professional-series devices.

Go to full MX feature matrix.

Access Manager

Status Note OSX MX API
System Settings Access 3.5+ 4.1+ All
Do not change N/A 11.3+ All
Full 3.5+ 4.1+ All
Reduced Settings without Accessibility 3.5+ 4.1+ All
None N/A 11.3+ All
Reduced Settings with Accessibility 11.5.21+ 11.7+ All

Analytics Manager

Status Note OSX MX API
Data Analytics State N/A 4.3+ 19+
Do not change N/A 4.3+ 19+
Enable N/A 4.3+ 19+
Disable N/A 4.3+ 19+

App Manager

Status Note OSX MX API
Action 1.0,1.3+ 4.1+ 1+
Do nothing N/A 4.1+ All
Install 1.0+ 4.2+ All
Uninstall 1.0+ 4.1+ All
Upgrade 1.0+ 4.1+ All
SetDefaultLauncher 1.3+ 4.1+ All
EnableApplication N/A 4.2+ 1+
DisableApplication N/A 4.2+ 1+
ClearRecentApps N/A 4.2+ 16+
LaunchApplication N/A 5.1+ 1+
BatteryOptimization N/A 7.0+ 23+
ClearApplicationCache N/A 8.0+ 24+
EnableGMSApps 8.1+ 8.0+ 24+
DisableGMSApps 8.1+ 8.0+ 24+
ClearApplicationUserData 8.1+ 9.1+ 24+
ReserveUID 9.2+ 9.2+ 28+
UnReserveUID 9.2+ 9.2+ 28+
AllowApplicationUpgrade 8.13+ 10.3+ 26+
DisallowApplicationUpgrade 8.13+ 10.3+ 26+
.apk Name 1.0+ 4.2+ All
Package Name 1.0,1.3+ 4.2+ 1+
Application Name N/A 5.1+ All
Protected List Package Name 1.2+ 4.2+ All
App Feature N/A 9.3+ 26+
Background Data N/A 9.3+ 26+
App Feature Action N/A 9.3+ 26+
Do nothing N/A 9.3+ 26+
Turn On N/A 9.3+ 26+
Turn Off N/A 9.3+ 26+
App Feature Package Name(s) N/A 9.3+ 26+

Batch Manager

Status Note OSX MX API
Batch Action N/A 9.2+ 26+
Do Nothing N/A 9.2+ 26+
Execute Batch N/A 9.2+ 26+
Turn On Trusted Mode N/A 9.2+ 26+
Turn Off Trusted Mode N/A 9.2+ 26+
Batch File Type N/A 4.3+ All
XML File N/A 4.3+ All
Binary File N/A 4.3+ All
Batch File Access Method N/A 4.3+ All
File in Device File System N/A 4.3+ All
File Embedded in XML N/A 4.3+ All
XML File Path and Name N/A 4.3+ All
XML File Data N/A 4.3+ All
Require Encodings (checkbox) N/A 4.3+ All
False (unchecked) N/A 4.3+ All
True (checked) N/A 4.3+ All
Require Opaque (checkbox) N/A 4.3+ All
False (unchecked) N/A 4.3+ All
True (checked) N/A 4.3+ All
Require Private (checkbox) N/A 4.3+ All
False (unchecked) N/A 4.3+ All
True (checked) N/A 4.3+ All

Cellular Manager

Status Note OSX MX API
SIM Socket Query N/A 6.2+ All
SIM1 N/A 6.2+ All
SIM2 N/A 6.2+ All
SIM3 N/A 6.2+ All
SIM4 N/A 6.2+ All
SIM Socket Usage Enable/Disable N/A 6.2+ All
Do not change N/A 6.2+ All
Enable N/A 6.2+ All
Disable N/A 6.2+ All
Select SIM Socket N/A 6.2+ All
Do not change N/A 6.2+ All
SIM1 N/A 6.2+ All
SIM2 N/A 6.2+ All
SIM3 N/A 6.2+ All
SIM4 N/A 6.2+ All
Data Roaming Enable/Disable 4.4+ 4.4+ All
Do not change 4.4+ 4.4+ All
Enable 4.4+ 4.4+ All
Disable 4.4+ 4.4+ All
Data Roaming On/Off N/A 4.3+ 17+
Do not change N/A 4.3+ 17+
Turn On N/A 4.3+ 17+
Turn Off N/A 4.3+ 17+
Cellular Data Warning N/A 6.3+ All
Do not change N/A 6.3+ All
Set new warning N/A 6.3+ All
Set Cellular Data Warning N/A 6.3+ All
Background Data Enable/Disable 4.4+ 4.4+ All
Do not change 4.4+ 4.4+ All
Enable 4.4+ 4.4+ All
Disable 4.4+ 4.4+ All
Background Data Blocking On/Off 1.3+ 4.3+ All
Do not change 1.3+ 4.3+ All
Turn On 1.3+ 4.3+ All
Turn Off 1.3+ 4.3+ All
Incoming Calls Enable/Disable N/A 11.9+ All
Do not change N/A 11.9+ All
Allowed N/A 11.9+ All
Blocked N/A 11.9+ All
Outgoing Calls Enable/Disable N/A 11.9+ All
Do not change N/A 11.9+ All
Allowed N/A 11.9+ All
Blocked N/A 11.9+ All
Manual PLMN Enable/Disable N/A 8.1+ All
Do not change N/A 8.1+ All
Enable N/A 8.1+ All
Disable N/A 8.1+ All
PLMN Lock UI Show/Hide N/A 8.1+ All
Do not change N/A 8.1+ All
Enable N/A 8.1+ All
Disable N/A 8.1+ All
Network Mode Features On/Off N/A 11.7+ All
Do not change N/A 11.7+ All
Turn On N/A 11.7+ All
Turn Off N/A 11.7+ All

Certificate Manager

Status Note OSX MX API
Certificate Action 1.0+ 4.1+ All
Install certificate 1.0+ 4.1+ All
Uninstall certificate 1.0+ 4.1+ All
Initialize Android Keystore 1.0+ 4.2+ All
Certificate Alias 1.0+ 4.1+ All
Certificate Type 1.0+ 4.1+ All
CA Certificate (.PEM file) 1.0+ 4.1+ All
Client Certificate (.PEM file) 1.0+ 4.1+ All
Client Certificate and Private Key (.PFX file) 1.0+ 4.1+ All
Client Certificate and Private Key (.P12 file) 1.0+ 4.1+ All
Client Certificate and Private Key (.PKCS12 file) 1.0+ 4.1+ All
Certificate Method 1.0+ 4.1+ All
Reference certificate file 1.0+ 4.1+ All
Certificate File CA 1.0+ 4.1+ All
Certificate File Client 1.0+ 4.1+ All
Adjust Clock N/A 4.2+ 1.0+
Keystore Password 1.0+ 4.1+ All
Private Key Password 1.0+ 4.1+ All


Status Note OSX MX API
Auto Time (checkbox) 1.3+ 4.2+ All
(unchecked) 1.3+ 4.2+ All
(checked) 1.3+ 4.2+ All
NTP Server Address N/A 4.2+ 19+
Set Sync Interval N/A 4.2+ 16+
30 minutes N/A 4.2+ 16+
60 minutes N/A 4.2+ 16+
6 hours N/A 4.2+ 16+
24 hours N/A 4.2+ 16+
Time Sync Threshold (checkbox) N/A 11.8+ All
(unchecked) N/A 11.8+ All
(checked) N/A 11.8+ All
Enter Time Sync Threshold N/A 11.8+ All
Coordinate System N/A 10.2+ All
Local N/A 10.2+ All
Universal N/A 10.2+ All
Set Date N/A 4.1+ 26+
Set Time N/A 4.1+ 26+
Set UTC Date N/A 10.2+ All
Set UTC Time N/A 10.2+ All
Set Time Zone N/A 4.1+ All
Auto Time Zone (checkbox) 1.3+ 6.0+ All
(unchecked) 1.3+ 6.0+ All
(checked) 1.3+ 6.0+ All
24-Hour Time Enable/Disable N/A 6.0+ All
Do not change N/A 6.0+ All
Turn on N/A 6.0+ All
Turn off N/A 6.0+ All

Condition Manager

Status Note OSX MX API
Boolean System Value N/A 4.4+ All
Have any valid IP Address N/A 4.4+ All
Integer System Value N/A 4.4+ All
Battery Level N/A 4.4+ All
String System Property N/A 6+ All
Product Model N/A 6+ All
Android Version N/A 6+ All
Build Number N/A 6+ All

DataWedge Manager

Status Note OSX MX API
Controlling APIs (checkbox) N/A 10.1+ All
(unchecked) N/A 10.1+ All
(checked) N/A 10.1+ All
Configure APIs N/A 10.1+ All
Do not change N/A 10.1+ All
Uncontrolled N/A 10.1+ All
Controlled N/A 10.1+ All
Notification APIs N/A 10.1+ All
Do not change N/A 10.1+ All
Uncontrolled N/A 10.1+ All
Controlled N/A 10.1+ All
Query APIs N/A 10.1+ All
Do not change N/A 10.1+ All
Uncontrolled N/A 10.1+ All
Controlled N/A 10.1+ All
Runtime APIs N/A 10.1+ All
Do not change N/A 10.1+ All
Uncontrolled N/A 10.1+ All
Controlled N/A 10.1+ All


Status Note OSX MX API
Device Administration Action 1.3+ 4.3+ All
Do nothing 1.3+ 4.3+ All
Turn On as Device Administrator 1.3+ 4.3+ All
Turn Off as Device Administrator 1.3+ 4.3+ All
Device Admin Package Name 1.3+ 4.3+ All
Device Admin Class Name 1.3+ 4.3+ All
Install from Unknown Sources N/A 4.3+ 3+
Do not change N/A 4.3+ 3+
Turn On N/A 4.3+ 3+
Turn Off N/A 4.3+ 3+
Lock Screen Wallpaper N/A 10.5+ All
Do not change N/A 10.5+ All
Restore to default N/A 10.5+ All
Custom N/A 10.5+ All
Custom Wallpaper File N/A 10.5+ All
Lock Screen Notifications N/A 10.5+ All
Do not change N/A 10.5+ All
Show all content N/A 10.5+ All
Show only non-sensitive content N/A 10.5+ All
Hide notifications N/A 10.5+ All
Screen Lock Type 6.0+ 6.0+ All
Do not change 6.0+ 6.0+ All
Swipe 6.0+ 6.0+ All
Pattern 6.0+ 6.0+ All
Pin 6.0+ 6.0+ All
Password 6.0+ 6.0+ All
None 6.0+ 6.0+ All
Remote Lock Screen Allow/Disallow N/A 13.3+ 30+
Do nothing N/A 13.3+ 30+
Allow N/A 13.3+ 30+
Disallow N/A 13.3+ 30+

DHCP Option Manager

Status Note OSX MX API
Host Name (12) N/A 4.4+ All
Do not change N/A 4.4+ All
Enable N/A 4.4+ All
Disable N/A 4.4+ All
Host Name Option Value N/A 4.4+ All
Broadcast Address (28) N/A 4.4+ All
Do not change N/A 4.4+ All
Enable N/A 4.4+ All
Disable N/A 4.4+ All
NTP Server (42) N/A 4.4+ All
Do not change N/A 4.4+ All
Enable N/A 4.4+ All
Disable N/A 4.4+ All
Vendor Encapsulated (43) N/A 5.0+ All
Do not change N/A 5.0+ All
Enable N/A 5.0+ All
Disable N/A 5.0+ All
Vendor Class Identifier (60) N/A 5.0+ All
Do not change N/A 5.0+ All
Enable N/A 5.0+ All
Disable N/A 5.0+ All
Vendor Class Value N/A 5.0+ All
Client Identifier Enable/Disable (61) N/A 6.3+ All
Do not change N/A 6.3+ All
Enable N/A 6.3+ All
Disable N/A 6.3+ All
Client Identifier Value N/A 6.3+ All
TFTP Ser. Address (150) N/A 4.4+ All
Do not change N/A 4.4+ All
Enable N/A 4.4+ All
Disable N/A 4.4+ All
TFTP Server Address (150) Enable/Disable N/A 4.4+ All
Do not change N/A 4.4+ All
Enable N/A 4.4+ All
Disable N/A 4.4+ All
TFTP Ser. Name (66) N/A 4.4+ All
Do not change N/A 4.4+ All
Enable N/A 4.4+ All
Disable N/A 4.4+ All
TFTP Server Name (66) Enable/Disable N/A 4.4+ All
Do not change N/A 4.4+ All
Enable N/A 4.4+ All
Disable N/A 4.4+ All
Boot File Name Enable/Disable (67) N/A 4.4+ All
Do not change N/A 4.4+ All
Enable N/A 4.4+ All
Disable N/A 4.4+ All
User Class Enable/Disable (77) N/A 4.4+ All
Do not change N/A 4.4+ All
Enable N/A 4.4+ All
Disable N/A 4.4+ All
User Class Value N/A 4.4+ All
FQDN Value N/A 6.3+ All
FQDN Flag Value N/A 6.3+ All
Domain Search Enable/Disable (119) N/A 4.4+ All
Do not change N/A 4.4+ All
Enable N/A 4.4+ All
Disable N/A 4.4+ All
Vendor Specific (186) Enable/Disable N/A 5.0+ All
Do not change N/A 5.0+ All
Enable N/A 5.0+ All
Disable N/A 5.0+ All
Vendor Specific (188) Enable/Disable N/A 5.0+ All
Do not change N/A 5.0+ All
Enable N/A 5.0+ All
Disable N/A 5.0+ All
Vendor Specific (230) Enable/Disable N/A 6.3+ All
Do not change N/A 6.3+ All
Enable N/A 6.3+ All
Disable N/A 6.3+ All
Custom Option Number N/A 8.1+ All
Custom Option Number N/A 8.1+ All
Send Custom Option Value N/A 8.1+ All

Display Manager

Status Note OSX MX API
Set Screen Timeout Interval N/A 4.3+ 1+
Do not change N/A 4.3+ 1+
15 seconds after Display Timeout N/A 4.3+ 1+
30 seconds after Display Timeout N/A 4.3+ 1+
1 minute after Display Timeout N/A 4.3+ 1+
2 minutes after Display Timeout N/A 4.3+ 1+
5 minutes after Display Timeout N/A 4.3+ 1+
10 minutes after Display Timeout N/A 4.3+ 1+
30 minutes after Display Timeout N/A 4.3+ 1+
Never N/A 9.2+ All
Screen Shot Enable/Disable 3.6,4.5 ONLY

NOT IN OSX: 4.0 - 4.4

5.0+ All
Do Nothing 3.6,4.5 ONLY

NOT IN OSX: 4.0 - 4.4

5.0+ All
Enable 3.6,4.5 ONLY

NOT IN OSX: 4.0 - 4.4

5.0+ All
Disable 3.6,4.5 ONLY

NOT IN OSX: 4.0 - 4.4

5.0+ All

File Manager

Status Note OSX MX API
File Action N/A 4.3+ All
Transfer/Copy File N/A 4.3+ All
Upload File(s) N/A 10.1+ All
Delete File N/A 4.3+ All
Download and Expand Archive File N/A 5.0+ All
Deploy file for an application N/A 11.3+ All
Target URI N/A 10.1+ All
Target Access Method N/A 4.3+ All
File in Device File System N/A 4.3+ All
Target Path and File Name N/A 4.3+ All
Target Path and Folder Name N/A 4.3+ All
Target File Name Pattern N/A 10.1+ All
Target App File Definition N/A 11.3+ All
Target-app Signature N/A 11.3+ All
Source Path and File Spec N/A 10.1+ All
Duplicate File Handling N/A 10.1+ All
Source Access Method N/A 4.3+ All
File on remote server N/A 4.3+ All
File on device file system N/A 4.3+ All
File embedded in XML N/A 4.3+ All
New Source Access Method N/A 11.3+ All
File on remote server N/A 11.3+ All
File on device file system N/A 11.3+ All
Persistence Options N/A 11.3+ All
Do not persist N/A 11.3+ All
Persist N/A 11.3+ All
Source URI N/A 4.3+ All
Source Path and File N/A 4.3+ All
New Source Path and File N/A 11.3+ All
Delete After Upload (checkbox) N/A 10.1+ All
Embedded File Type N/A 4.3+ All
General data file (any extension) N/A 4.3+ All
Android application package (.APK file) N/A 4.3+ All
Android OS Update (.ZIP file) N/A 4.3+ All
XML Embedded Source N/A 4.3+ All
APK Embedded Source N/A 4.3+ All
OS Update Embedded Source N/A 4.3+ All
Archive Target Path and Folder Name N/A 5.0+ All
Archive Source URI N/A 5.0+ All

GPRS Manager

Status Note OSX MX API
APN Action N/A 4.1.1+ 16+
Add/replace named APN N/A 4.1.1+ 16+
Remove existing named APN N/A 4.1.1+ 16+
Remove all existing APNs N/A 4.1.1+ 16+
APN Name N/A 4.1.1+ 16+
Authentication Type N/A 8.3+ 23+
Do not change N/A 8.3+ 23+
None N/A 8.3+ 23+
PAP N/A 8.3+ 23+
CHAP N/A 8.3+ 23+
PAP OR CHAP N/A 8.3+ 23+
Access Point Name N/A 4.1.1+ 16+
Custom Protocol N/A 9.3+ All
Do not change N/A 9.3+ All
IPv4 N/A 9.3+ All
IPv6 N/A 9.3+ All
IPv4/IPv6 N/A 9.3+ All
Custom Roaming Protocol N/A 9.3+ All
Do not change N/A 9.3+ All
IPv4 N/A 9.3+ All
IPv6 N/A 9.3+ All
IPv4/IPv6 N/A 9.3+ All
Custom MVNO Match Data N/A 8.4+ 23+
MVNO Type N/A 8.4+ 23+
Do not change N/A 8.4+ 23+
None N/A 8.4+ 23+
spn N/A 8.4+ 23+
imsi N/A 8.4+ 23+
gid N/A 8.4+ 23+
iccid N/A 8.4+ 23+


Status Note OSX MX API
Action N/A 4.1+ 1+
StartActivity N/A 4.1+ 1+
StartService N/A 4.1+ 1+
Broadcast N/A 4.1+ 1+
EnrollDeviceOwner N/A 6.5+ 24+
Action Name N/A 4.1+ 1+
Type N/A 4.1+ 1+
Category N/A 8.0+ 23+
Class N/A 4.1+ 1+
Package N/A 4.1+ 1+
URI N/A 4.1+ 1+
File N/A 4.1+ 1+
JSON Data Selector 6.5+ 8.3+ 23+
Do Nothing 6.5+ 8.3+ 23+
Json File 6.5+ 8.3+ 23+
Json String 6.5+ 8.3+ 23+
Device Owner JSON File 6.5+ 8.0+ 23+
Device Owner JSON String 6.5+ 8.3+ 23+
Extra Type N/A 4.1+ 1+
None N/A 4.1+ 1+
Standard Integer N/A 4.1+ 1+
Character N/A 4.1+ 1+
Character Sequence N/A 4.1+ 1+
Floating Point N/A 4.1+ 1+
Long Integer N/A 4.1+ 1+
Boolean N/A 4.1+ 1+
Character N/A 4.1+ 1+
Short N/A 4.1+ 1+
Double Precision Floating Point N/A All All
String N/A 4.1+ 1+
Single Byte Integer N/A 4.1+ 1+
Extra Name N/A 4.1+ 1+
Extra Value N/A 4.1+ 1+
MIME Type N/A 4.1+ 1+
Sensor Parameter N/A 4.1+ 1+

License Manager

Status Note OSX MX API
License Device Type N/A 7.1+ All
do_nothing N/A 7.1+ All
symbol N/A 7.1+ All
zebra N/A 7.1+ All
Zebra License Action N/A 7.1+ All
activate N/A 7.1+ All
return N/A 9.2+ All
reset N/A 9.2+ All
acquirefeature N/A 7.1+ All
returnallfeatures N/A 7.1+ All
refreshAID N/A 7.2+ All
deleteLicenseSource N/A 8.1+ All
activatefeature N/A 10.2+ All
returnfeature N/A 10.2+ All
refreshfeature N/A 10.2+ All
License Source N/A 7.1+ All
Zebra Cloud N/A 7.2+ All
LLS N/A 7.2+ All
Preactivated N/A 8.1+ All
Zebra License Persistence On/Off N/A 11.2+ 30+
Do not change N/A 11.2+ 30+
Turn on N/A 11.2+ 30+
Turn off N/A 11.2+ 30+
Partition Name N/A 11.1+ All
License Cloud URL N/A 8.0+ All
Zebra UAT Cloud N/A 8.0+ All
Zebra Production Cloud N/A 8.0+ All
Zebra Production Cloud Via Proxy N/A 8.1+ All
Zebra Test Cloud Via Proxy N/A 8.1+ All
Zebra Custom Cloud N/A 8.1+ All
Feature-based License Source URL N/A 10.2+ All
Feature-based Source URL Friendly Name N/A 10.2+ All
License Server URL N/A 7.1+ All
Feature Name N/A 10.2+ All
Server Friendly Name N/A 7.2+ All
Activation ID N/A 7.1+ All
Activation Quantity N/A 7.1+ All
Preactivated License Source N/A 8.1+ All
Zebra UAT N/A 8.1+ All
Zebra Production N/A 8.1+ All
Preactivated License Method N/A 8.1+ All
embed N/A 8.1+ All
reference N/A 8.1+ All
Preactivated 'Blob' N/A 8.1+ All
Preactivated File and Path N/A 8.1+ All
Return License Source N/A 8.1+ All
Zebra Production Cloud N/A 8.1+ All
Zebra UAT Cloud N/A 8.1+ All
Server Friendly Name N/A 8.1+ All
Return All License Source N/A 9.2+ All
Zebra Production Cloud N/A 9.2+ All
Zebra UAT Cloud N/A 9.2+ All
Server Friendly Name N/A 9.2+ All
Activation ID Return N/A 7.1+ All
Return AID Server Friendly Name N/A 9.2+ All
Activation Quantity Return N/A 7.1+ All
Delete License Source Name N/A 9.2+ All
Refresh Activation ID N/A 7.2+ All
Feature To Acquire N/A 7.1+ All
Acquire Feature Version N/A 7.1+ All
Acquire Feature Count N/A 7.2+ All
License Action N/A 4.3+ All
apply N/A 4.3+ All
remove N/A 4.3+ All
Verification Method N/A 4.3+ All
Do not verify feature name N/A 4.3+ All
Verify against a standard feature name N/A 4.3+ All
Verify against a custom feature name N/A 4.3+ All
Standard Feature Name N/A 4.3+ All
SIMULDC1_0_0 N/A 4.3+ All
Custom Feature Name N/A 4.3+ All
License Method N/A 4.3+ All
embed N/A 4.3+ All
reference N/A 4.3+ All
License File 'Blob' N/A 4.3+ All
License File and Path N/A 4.3+ All
Select Remove Method N/A 4.3+ All
standard N/A 4.3+ All
custom N/A 4.3+ All
Remove Standard Feature N/A 4.3+ All
SimulScan OCR/OMR N/A All All
Remove Custom Feature N/A 4.3+ All

Lifeguard Over the Air Manager

Status Note OSX MX API
LifeGuard OTA Client Usage Allow/Disallow N/A 8.1+ 23+
Do not change N/A 8.1+ 23+
Allow N/A 8.1+ 23+
Disallow N/A 8.1+ 23+
LifeGuard OTA Client On/Off N/A 8.1+ 23+
Do not change N/A 8.1+ 23+
Turn On N/A 8.1+ 23+
Turn Off N/A 8.1+ 23+
Automatic OS Update N/A 11.1+ 30+
Do not change N/A 11.1+ 30+
Turn On N/A 11.1+ 30+
Turn Off N/A 11.1+ 30+
Update Over Cellular N/A 11.4+ 30+
Do not change N/A 11.4+ 30+
On N/A 11.4+ 30+
Off N/A 11.4+ 30+
LifeGuard OTA Options N/A 11.1+ 30+

Persist Manager

Status Note OSX MX API
Persist Action N/A 4.2+ All
Add current XML as a persistent profile N/A 4.1+ All
Remove the specified persistent profile N/A 4.1+ All
Enable the specified persistent profile N/A 4.2+ All
Disable the specified persistent profile N/A 4.2+ All
Persist As Name N/A 4.1+ All
Persist As Version N/A 4.2+ All
Persist As Order N/A 4.2+ All
Persist If Error N/A 4.2+ All
true N/A 4.2+ All
false N/A 4.2+ All

Power Manager

Status Note OSX MX API
Reset Action N/A 4.2+ All
Do nothing N/A 4.2+ All
Sleep Mode N/A 4.1+ All
Reboot N/A 4.2+ 16+
Enterprise Reset 4.2+ 4.2+ 19+
Factory Reset 4.2+ 4.2+ 19+
Full Device Wipe 4.2+ 4.2+ 19+
OS Update N/A 4.1+ 16+
Verify OS Update N/A 8.1+ 26+
OS Upgrade N/A 8.1+ 26+
OS Downgrade N/A 8.1+ 26+
OS Upgrade Streaming N/A 10.1+ 29+
OS Downgrade Streaming N/A 10.1+ 29+
Cancel any ongoing OS Upgrade/Downgrade (if possible) N/A 11.1+ 30+
Power off N/A 13.1+ 30+
OS Update 'Zip' File N/A 4.1+ 16+
Update Verification File N/A 8.1+ 26+
Recovery Mode Access N/A 13.1+ 33+
Do not change N/A 13.1+ 33+
Full (default) N/A 13.1+ 33+
Partial (blocks sensitive operations) N/A 13.1+ 33+
Recovery Mode Override N/A 13.1+ 30+
Do Nothing N/A 13.1+ 30+
Allow Full functionality one time N/A 13.1+ 30+
Doze Mode Enable/Disable 7.3+ 7.2+ All
Do not change 7.3+ 7.2+ All
Turn on 7.3+ 7.2+ All
Turn off 7.3+ 7.2+ All
Battery Saver Control Mode N/A 10.1+ 26+
Do not change N/A 10.1+ 26+
Automatically N/A 10.1+ 26+
Manually N/A 10.1+ 26+
Battery Saver Mode On/Off N/A 10.1+ 26+
Do not change N/A 10.1+ 26+
Turn on N/A 10.1+ 26+
Turn off N/A 10.1+ 26+
Battery Saver Threshold N/A 10.1+ 26+
Wake-up Sources Enable/Disable 7.7+ 8.0+ All
Do not change 7.7+ 8.0+ All
Turn on 7.7+ 8.0+ All
Turn off 7.7+ 8.0+ All
Remote Zip File Name N/A 10.1+ 26+
Authorization Type N/A 10.1+ 26+
No Authorization N/A 10.1+ 26+
Zebra Authentication Token N/A 10.1+ 26+
Basic Authentication N/A 10.1+ 26+
Custom Authorization Header N/A 10.1+ 26+
Zebra Authentication Token N/A 10.1+ 26+
User Name N/A 10.1+ 26+
Password N/A 10.1+ 26+
Custom Authorization Header N/A 10.1+ 26+
RAM Optimization N/A 13.4+ 34+
Do not change N/A 13.4+ 34+
Enable N/A 13.4+ 34+
Disable N/A 13.4+ 34+
RAM Optimization Size N/A 13.4+ 34+
Do not change N/A 13.4+ 34+
2GB N/A 13.4+ 34+
4GB N/A 13.4+ 34+
6GB N/A 13.4+ 34+
Custom N/A 13.4+ 34+
RAM Optimization Custom Size N/A 13.4+ 34+

Power Key Manager

Status Note OSX MX API
Safe Mode Show/Hide 4.3+ 4.3+ All
Do not change 4.3+ 4.3+ All
Show Menu Option 4.3+ 4.3+ All
Do not show Menu Option 4.3+ 4.3+ All

Status Manager

Status Note OSX MX API
Request Action N/A 5.0+ All
Add/Replace Status Request N/A 5.0+ All
Remove Status Request N/A 5.0+ All
Notify Status N/A 5.0+ All
Notify Action N/A 5.0+ All
Do nothing N/A 5.0+ All
Notify Status N/A 5.0+ All
Request Status Filter N/A 5.0+ All
Request ALL Status N/A All All
Request Completion Status N/A All All
Request Status Filter N/A 5.0+ All
Package Name N/A 5.0+ All
Class Name N/A 5.0+ All
Source ID N/A 5.0+ All
Notify State N/A 4.4+ All
None N/A 4.4+ All
Inprogress N/A 4.4+ All
Complete N/A 4.4+ All
Notify Percent N/A 5.0+ All
Notify Header N/A 5.0+ All
Notify Footer N/A 5.0+ All
Notify Body N/A 5.0+ All

UI Manager

Status Note OSX MX API
Clipboard Share N/A 10.5+ All
Do not change N/A 10.5+ All
Enable N/A 10.5+ All
Disable N/A 10.5+ All
Network 'Monitored' Message Enable/Disable 6.0+ 6.1+ All
Do not change 6.0+ 6.1+ All
Turn On 6.0+ 6.1+ All
Turn Off 6.0+ 6.1+ All
Set Current Locale 1.3+ 4.3+ All
Do not change 1.3+ 4.3+ All
Extended N/A 5.1+ All
Custom N/A 5.1+ All
CANADA 1.3+ 4.3+ All
CANADA_FRENCH 1.3+ 4.3+ All
CHINA 1.3+ 4.3+ All
CHINESE 1.3+ 4.3+ All
ENGLISH 1.3+ 4.3+ All
FRANCE 1.3+ 4.3+ All
FRENCH 1.3+ 4.3+ All
GERMAN 1.3+ 4.3+ All
GERMANY 1.3+ 4.3+ All
ITALIAN 1.3+ 4.3+ All
ITALY 1.3+ 4.3+ All
JAPAN 1.3+ 4.3+ All
JAPANESE 1.3+ 4.3+ All
KOREA 1.3+ 4.3+ All
KOREAN 1.3+ 4.3+ All
PRC 1.3+ 4.3+ All
TAIWAN 1.3+ 4.3+ All
UK 1.3+ 4.3+ All
US 1.3+ 4.3+ All
SPAIN_SPANISH 1.3+ 5.0+ All
US_SPANISH 1.3+ 5.0+ All
TalkBack Shortcut On/Off N/A 11.7+ All
Do not change N/A 11.7+ All
Turn On N/A 11.7+ All
Turn Off N/A 11.7+ All
Battery Percentage Show/Hide N/A 10.1+ All
Do not change N/A 10.1+ All
Show N/A 10.1+ All
Hide N/A 10.1+ All
Remote-control Icon Show/Hide N/A 13.3+ 30+
Do not change N/A 13.3+ 30+
Show N/A 13.3+ 30+
Hide N/A 13.3+ 30+
Split Screen Enable/Disable 7.7+ 8.1+ All
Do not change 7.7+ 8.1+ All
Enable 7.7+ 8.1+ All
Disable 7.7+ 8.1+ All
Do Not Disturb Turn On/Off N/A 13.1+ 30+
Do not change N/A 13.1+ 30+
Turn On N/A 13.1+ 30+
Turn Off N/A 13.1+ 30+
Set a Custom Locale N/A 5.1+ All
Set an Extended Locale N/A 4.3+ 16+
INDIA_ENGLISH 1.3+ 5.1+ All
SWEDEN_SWEDISH 1.3+ 5.1+ All
FINLAND_FINISH 1.3+ 5.1+ All
DENMARK_DANISH 1.3+ 5.1+ All
Set Default Input Method N/A 4.3+ 16+
Do not change N/A 4.3+ 16+
Change Current Input Method N/A 4.3+ 16+
Input Method Class Name N/A 4.3+ 16+
Set Default Input Method N/A 4.3+ 16+
English N/A 4.3+ 16+
Japanese N/A 4.3+ 16+
Chinese(China) N/A 4.3+ 16+
User defined input method N/A 4.3+ 16+
Input Method Package Name N/A 4.3+ 16+
Notification Pulldown Enable/Disable 5.1+ 5.1+ 16+
Do not change 5.1+ 5.1+ All
Enable 5.1+ 5.1+ All
Disable 5.1+ 5.1+ All
Two-Finger Quick Settings Enable/Disable 5.2+ 5.2+ 16+
Do not change 5.2+ 5.2+ All
Enable 5.2+ 5.2+ All
Disable 5.2+ 5.2+ All
Navigation Bar Enable/Disable 6.2+ 7.1+ All
Do not change 6.2+ 7.1+ All
Enable 6.2+ 7.1+ All
Disable 6.2+ 7.1+ All
Recent App Button Enable/Disable 7.2+ 7.1+ All
Do not change 7.2+ 7.1+ All
Enable 7.2+ 7.1+ All
Disable 7.2+ 7.1+ All
Magnification Gesture N/A 8.0+ 24+
Do not change N/A 8.0+ 24+
Turn On N/A 8.0+ 24+
Turn Off N/A 8.0+ 24+
Password Characters Show/Hide N/A 9.1+ 26+
Do not change N/A 9.1+ 26+
Turn On N/A 9.1+ 26+
Turn Off N/A 9.1+ 26+
Virtual Keyboard Show/Hide N/A 8.0+ 26+
Do not change N/A 8.0+ 26+
Show N/A 8.0+ 26+
Hide N/A 8.0+ 26+
Home Screen Wallpaper N/A 10.5+ All
Do not change N/A 10.5+ All
Restore to default N/A 10.5+ All
Custom N/A 10.5+ All
Custom Wallpaper N/A 10.5+ All
LKI Usage Enable/Disable 8.1+ 9.0+ All
Assistant App N/A 10.5+ All
Do not change N/A 10.5+ All
Google Digital Assistant N/A 10.5+ All
Custom assistant app N/A 10.5+ All
None N/A 10.5+ All
Custom Assistant App Package Name N/A 10.5+ All
Dark Theme On/Off N/A 11.3+ All
Do not change N/A 11.3+ All
Turn On N/A 11.3+ All
Turn Off N/A 11.3+ All
Quick Tile Action N/A 11.3+ All
Do not change N/A 11.3+ All
Show all N/A 11.3+ All
Hide all N/A 11.3+ All
Show individual N/A 11.3+ All
Hide individual N/A 11.3+ All
Reset to default N/A 11.3+ All
Quick Tile Identifier N/A 11.3+ 30+
Airplane Mode N/A 11.3+ 30+
Auto-rotate N/A 11.3+ 30+
Battery Saver N/A 11.3+ 30+
Bedtime Mode N/A 11.3+ 30+
Bluetooth N/A 11.3+ 30+
Dark Theme N/A 11.3+ 30+
Data Saver N/A 11.3+ 30+
Do Not Disturb N/A 11.3+ 30+
Flashlight N/A 11.3+ 30+
Focus Mode N/A 11.3+ 30+
Hotspot N/A 11.3+ 30+
Invert colors N/A 11.3+ 30+
Location N/A 11.3+ 30+
Mobile data N/A 11.3+ 30+
NFC N/A 11.3+ 30+
Nearby Share N/A 11.3+ 30+
Night Light N/A 11.3+ 30+
Screen Cast N/A 11.3+ 30+
Screen Record N/A 11.3+ 30+
Wi-Fi N/A 11.3+ 30+
Custom N/A 11.3+ 30+
Custom Quick Tile Name N/A 10.5+ All
Workflow Package Name 1 N/A 11.9+ 30+
Workflow Package Name 2 N/A 11.9+ 30+
Immersive Mode Pop-up Show/Hide N/A 13.1+ 30+
Do not change N/A 13.1+ 30+
Show N/A 13.1+ 30+
Hide N/A 13.1+ 30+

USB Manager

Status Note OSX MX API
USB Module Usage 1.3+ 4.2+ All
Do not change 1.3+ 4.2+ All
Enable 1.3+ 4.2+ All
Disable 1.3+ 4.2+ All
Host Mode Peripherals N/A 11.6+ 30+
Do not change N/A 11.6+ 30+
Controlled (rules list) N/A 11.6+ 30+
Uncontrolled (default) N/A 11.6+ 30+
Control Rules N/A 11.6+ 30+
ADB Enable/Disable 1.3+ 4.2+ All
Do not change 1.3+ 4.2+ All
Enable 1.3+ 4.2+ All
Disable 1.3+ 4.2+ All
USB Storage Enable/Disable 4.1+ 4.2+ All
Do not change 4.1+ 4.2+ All
Enable 4.1+ 4.2+ All
Disable 4.1+ 4.2+ All


Status Note OSX MX API
Target OS N/A 4.2+ All
Android N/A 4.2+ All
Wi-Fi Enable/Disable N/A 4.2+ All
Do not change N/A 4.2+ All
Enable N/A 4.2+ All
Disable N/A 4.2+ All
Wi-Fi Sleep Policy N/A 4.2+ All
Do not change N/A 4.2+ All
AlwaysOn N/A 4.2+ All
PluggedIn N/A 4.2+ All
NeverOn N/A 4.2+ All
Networks 'Available' Notification N/A 4.2+ All
Do not change N/A 4.2+ All
true N/A 4.2+ All
false N/A 4.2+ All
Country Selection Auto/Manual (checkbox) N/A 4.2+ All
UseRegulatory N/A 4.2+ All
Country N/A 4.2+ All
Country N/A 4.2+ All
RF Band Selection N/A 4.2+ All
Unchanged N/A 4.2+ All
2.4GHz N/A 4.2+ All
5.0GHZ N/A 4.2+ All
Auto N/A 4.2+ All
6.0GHz N/A 11.4+ 30+
2.4GHz and 5.0GHz N/A 11.4+ 30+
5.0GHz and 6.0GHz N/A 11.4+ 30+
2.4GHz and 6.0GHz N/A 11.5+ 30+
Use Diagnostic Options (checkbox) N/A 4.4+ All
(checked) N/A 4.4+ All
(unchecked) N/A 4.4+ All
Fusion Advanced Logging (checkbox) N/A 4.4+ All
(checked) N/A 4.4+ All
(unchecked) N/A 4.4+ All
Use Advanced Options (checkbox) N/A 4.2+ All
(checked) N/A 4.2+ All
(unchecked) N/A 4.2+ All
Fast Transition (checkbox) N/A 4.2+ All
Fast Transition Enable/Disable N/A 8.2+ All
Do not change N/A 8.2+ All
Enable N/A 8.2+ All
Disable N/A 8.2+ All
OKC (checkbox) N/A 4.2+ All
OKC Enable/Disable N/A 8.2+ All
Do not change N/A 8.2+ All
Enable N/A 8.2+ All
Disable N/A 8.2+ All
PMKID (checkbox) N/A 4.2+ All
Power Save Mode N/A 4.2+ All
Do not change N/A 4.2+ All
Always Active N/A 4.2+ All
Fast Power Save (DEPRECATED) N/A 4.2+ All
Max Power Save (DEPRECATED) N/A 4.2+ All
WMM-PS N/A 4.4+ All
Null Data Power Save N/A 4.4+ All
PS-POLL N/A 4.4+ All
TWT for Wi-Fi6 N/A 11.1+ 30+
Unsupported N/A 6.2+ All
Advanced Logging (checkbox) N/A 4.2+ All
802.11k Options (checkbox) N/A 4.3+ All
Password Protect Encryption N/A 6.1+ All
Do not change N/A 6.1+ All
Enable N/A 6.1+ All
Disable N/A 6.1+ All
Roam RSSI Delta N/A 11.5+ 30+
Do nothing N/A 11.5+ 30+
1 N/A 11.5+ 30+
2 N/A 11.5+ 30+
3 N/A 11.5+ 30+
4 N/A 11.5+ 30+
5 N/A 11.5+ 30+
6 N/A 11.5+ 30+
7 N/A 11.5+ 30+
8 N/A 11.5+ 30+
9 N/A 11.5+ 30+
10 N/A 11.5+ 30+
Default N/A 11.5+ 30+
Network Action N/A 4.2+ All
Do nothing N/A 4.2+ All
Add N/A 4.2+ All
Remove N/A 4.2+ All
Connect N/A 4.2+ All
Disconnect N/A 4.2+ All
Enable N/A 4.2+ All
Disable N/A 4.2+ All
DisableAll N/A 4.2+ All
RemoveAll N/A 4.2+ All
Roam RSSI Threshold N/A 11.5+ 30+
Do not change N/A 11.5+ 30+
-55 N/A 11.5+ 30+
-56 N/A 11.5+ 30+
-57 N/A 11.5+ 30+
-58 N/A 11.5+ 30+
-59 N/A 11.5+ 30+
-60 N/A 11.5+ 30+
-61 N/A 11.5+ 30+
-62 N/A 11.5+ 30+
-63 N/A 11.5+ 30+
-64 N/A 11.5+ 30+
-65 N/A 11.5+ 30+
-66 N/A 11.5+ 30+
-67 N/A 11.5+ 30+
-68 N/A 11.5+ 30+
-69 N/A 11.5+ 30+
-70 N/A 11.5+ 30+
-71 N/A 11.5+ 30+
-72 N/A 11.5+ 30+
-73 N/A 11.5+ 30+
-74 N/A 11.5+ 30+
-75 N/A 11.5+ 30+
98 N/A 11.5+ 30+
SSID N/A 4.2+ All
Security Mode N/A 4.2+ All
Open N/A 4.2+ All
Personal N/A 4.2+ All
Enterprise N/A 4.2+ All
WPA Mode N/A 4.2+ All
WPA N/A 4.2+ All
WPA2 N/A 4.2+ All
WPA/WPA2 N/A 4.2+ All
WEP N/A 4.2+ All
WPA Mode Personal N/A 10.2+ All
WPA N/A 10.2+ All
WPA2 N/A 10.2+ All
WPA/WPA2 N/A 10.2+ All
WEP N/A 10.2+ All
WPA3 (SAE) N/A 10.2+ All
WPA Encryption Type N/A 4.2+ All
Default N/A 4.2+ All
TKIP N/A 4.2+ All
WPA2 Encryption Type N/A 4.2+ All
Default N/A 4.2+ All
AES-CCMP N/A 4.2+ All
TKIP N/A 4.2+ All
WEP Encryption Type N/A 4.2+ All
WEP-40 N/A 4.2+ All
WEP-104 N/A 4.2+ All
Key Type N/A 4.2+ All
Hex Key N/A 4.2+ All
Passphrase N/A 4.2+ All
Protect Key N/A 4.2+ All
Passphrase N/A 4.2+ All
WPA Mode Enterprise N/A 10.2+ All
WPA N/A 10.2+ All
WPA2 N/A 10.2+ All
WPA/WPA2 N/A 10.2+ All
WEP N/A 10.2+ All
WPA3 N/A 10.2+ All
WPA3 192-bit N/A 10.2+ All
Identity N/A 4.2+ All
Anonymous Identity N/A 4.2+ All
Protect Password (checkbox) N/A 4.2+ All
Password N/A 4.2+ All
Optional Server CA Cert Name N/A 4.2+ All
Optional Client Certificate Name N/A 4.2+ All
Mandatory Server CA Cert Name N/A 4.2+ All
Mandatory Client Certificate Name N/A 4.2+ All
Use DHCP (checkbox) N/A 4.4+ All
(checked) N/A 4.4+ All
(unchecked) N/A 4.4+ All
Set IP Address N/A 4.2+ All
Set Primary Default Gateway N/A 4.2+ All
Set Secondary Default Gateway N/A 4.2+ All
Set Subnet Mask N/A 4.2+ All
Set Primary DNS N/A 4.2+ All
Set Secondary DNS N/A 4.2+ All
Use Proxy N/A 4.2+ All
None N/A 5.0+ All
Manual N/A 5.0+ All
Proxy Auto-Config N/A 5.0+ All
Proxy Host Name N/A 4.2+ All
Proxy PAC File URL N/A 5.0+ All
Bypass Proxy N/A 4.2+ All
Proxy Port N/A 4.2+ All
Global Proxy Host Name N/A 11.4+ All
Global Proxy Port N/A 11.4+ All
Global Proxy Bypass N/A 11.4+ All
Authentication N/A 4.2+ All
EAP-TLS N/A 4.2+ All
LEAP N/A 4.2+ All
PEAP-GTC N/A 4.2+ All
PEAP-NONE N/A 5.0+ All
EAP-PWD N/A 8.1+ All
Hex Key N/A 4.2+ All
WEP Key Index N/A 4.2+ All
wep[0] N/A All All
wep[1] N/A All All
wep[2] N/A All All
wep[3] N/A All All
Hotspot SSID N/A 6.3+ All
Hotspot Security Mode N/A 6.3+ All
Open N/A 6.3+ All
WPA2/PSK N/A 6.3+ All
Toggle Hotspot Enable/Disable N/A 8.1+ All
Turn on N/A 8.1+ All
Turn off N/A 8.1+ All
Hotspot Passphrase Clear N/A 6.3+ All
Hotspot Passphrase Encrypted N/A 6.3+ All
Hotspot Enable/Disable N/A 6.3+ All
Enable N/A 6.3+ All
Disable N/A 6.3+ All

XML Manager

Status Note OSX MX API
XML Processing Mode N/A 4.2+ All
Execute all to end N/A 4.2+ All
Execute until error, then stop N/A 4.2+ All
Try until error, then Skip to Catch N/A 4.2+ All
Catch error, Execute remainder N/A 4.2+ All