SD Card Manager

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Queries from MX are not supported on Zebra devices running Android 11 or later. See alternative method.

StageNow - 5.13


The SD Card Manager (SdCardMgr) controls the use of external device storage, and is intended primarily as a security measure on devices that support a physically removable storage medium such as a Micro SD Card or USB media.

When a device supports physically removable storage, it is sometimes necessary to prevent access to such media so that unwanted software cannot be loaded onto the device or sensitive data be removed. Preventing the use of removable media greatly reduces such risks.

On devices that support a removable storage medium, that medium is the default target of the usage parameter of this CSP. Otherwise, the Primary Storage Card is the target.

Main Functionality

  • Allow/Prevent:
    • Use of a removeable SD Card or Primary Storage Card
    • Display of pop-up message when an SD Card is newly detected


  • External storage - any data storage mechanism on a Zebra device.
  • Storage card - any individual storage medium on a Zebra device, removable or fixed. Most Zebra Android devices can implement more than one storage card.
  • Access paths - logically mapped data paths such as /sdcard or /storage for allowing apps to access each of the supported storage cards within a device. Paths such as /storage/sdcard0 and /storage/sdcard1 are supported when multiple storage cards are present.
  • Logical link - an internally implemented path that links directly to a storage card. For example, the path /sdcard0 links to /storage/sdcard0.

While the term "card" might imply a removable medium, the primary (and secondary) "storage card(s)" in most Zebra devices are simulated using flash memory that's built into the device and cannot be removed. On devices that support a physically removable medium such a Micro SD Card, such storage is identified and accessed using similar terminologies.


  • The number and type of supported storage cards and their access paths can vary by device.
  • Storage cards can be accessed in multiple ways, including through built-in privileged system apps, installed unprivileged apps, and from computers using MTP or ADB over a USB connection.
  • If access to a storage card is disabled using the SdCardMgr, all access to that medium is blocked, without exception, until access is re-enabled using the SdCardMgr.
  • Removable media can become inaccessible by means other than blockage by this CSP. For example, an unblocked Micro SD Card is inaccessible if physically removed from the device or if encrypted and the Named Key has been removed from the Key Storage Database (see EncryptMgr).

SD Card Usage

Used to control access to storage on the device, which can include internal (fixed) storage and removable SD cards. When Disabled (option 1), access to all storage is completely blocked. IMPORTANT: Removable media can become inaccessible by means other than blockage by this CSP. For example, an unblocked Micro SD card is inaccessible if physically removed from the device or if encrypted and the Named Key has been removed from the Key Storage Database (see EncryptMgr).

Note: This parameter acts on external storage by default. If external storage is not supported by the device, primary storage is the target.

Status: In devices running Android 13 and later, this feature can be accessed through StageNow and compatible EMM systems, or using Android Device Policy Manager (DPM) APIs.

Parm Name: SdCardUsage

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to device settings; any previously selected setting is retained.

OSX: 4.3+

MX: 4.3+

1 Enable Allows access to and usage of all storage on the device.

OSX: 4.3+

MX: 4.3+

2 Disable Blocks access to all storage on the device.

OSX: 4.3+

MX: 4.3+

SD Card Pop-up

Used to control whether the device user is prompted to interact an SD Card newly inserted into the device.

Note: An SD Card must be present in device and formatted as "Portable Storage" (for use on any device) before applying options 1 or 2 of this parameter.

Parm Name: SdCardNotification

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to device settings; any previously selected setting is retained.

OSX: 11.15.25+

MX: 11.5+

Android API: 30+

1 Show Allows a pop-up message to appear on the device when an SD Card is newly detected, prompting the user to interact with the card.

OSX: 11.15.25+

MX: 11.5+

Android API: 30+

2 Hide Prevents a pop-up message from appearing when a newly inserted SD Card is detected.

OSX: 11.15.25+

MX: 11.5+

Android API: 30+


Hide SD Card Pop-up

  <characteristic version="11.5" type="SdCardMgr">
    <parm name="SdCardNotification" value="2" />

Block SD Card Usage

    <characteristic type="SdCardMgr" version="4.3" >
        <parm name="SdCardUsage" value="2"/>


Queries are not supported on Zebra devices running Android 11 or later.

Get SD Card Usage status


    <characteristic type="SdCardMgr" >
        <parm-query name="SdCardUsage"/>

Output (blocked)

    <characteristic type="SdCardMgr" version="4.3" >
        <parm name="SdCardUsage" value="2"/>