Worry Free Wi-Fi

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Queries from MX are not supported on Zebra devices running Android 11 or later. See alternative method.

StageNow - 5.13


Wireless Analyzer (formerly WorryFree Wi-Fi Manager) controls Zebra Wi-Fi analysis and diagnostics tools for Zebra devices.


*Some features require newer MX versions. See MX Feature Matrix.

Main Functionality

  • Enable/Disable:
    • Wi-Fi operations analysis
    • Wi-Fi coverage area analysis
    • Packet capture
    • Temporary password for user access to packet capture
    • Ping data
    • User access to on-device client UI and password change
    • Call admission control
    • Coverage view streaming
    • Auto-reachability testing
  • Eight-character minimum password length (MX 10.3 and later)
  • Enter old and new passwords for access to client UI, settings and data
  • Select or configure:
    • Analysis type: Connection, Voice or Roaming
    • Passive (background) or Active (foreground) analysis
    • SSID of network to analyze
    • URL of a remote server and alternate default gateway
    • Logging of errors only, warnings plus errors, or all events
    • Maximum size of capture file and device storage
    • Packet capture file name
    • Coverage session name
    • Coverage SSID
    • Scan interval
    • Temporary password duration
    • Length of time for analysis session
    • Length of time to store analysis data on device
  • Capture all packets or only Management packets for:
    • Association requests
    • Association responses
    • Re-association requests
    • Re-association responses
    • Probe requests
    • Probe responses
    • Beacons
    • ATIMs
    • Disassociation
    • Authentication
    • De-authentication
    • Actions
  • Filter voice packets by protocol


This is the On/Off switch for WorryFree Wi-Fi and its data analysis functions on the device.

Note: For Zebra Professional-series devices, this feature requires purchase of a Mobility DNA Enterprise License. See techdocs.zebra.com/licensing.

Parm Name: Activate

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
2 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the setting; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 8.2+

1 Turn on Activates data analysis functions on the device.

MX: 8.2+

0 Turn off Deactivates data analysis functions on the device.

MX: 8.2+

Configure Analysis Settings (checkbox)

Controls access to configuration of Analysis Type (voice, roaming or connection) and Actions (start, stop, export and clear) on the device.

Note: For Zebra Professional-series devices, this feature requires purchase of a Mobility DNA Enterprise License. See techdocs.zebra.com/licensing.

Parm Name: UseAnalysis

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 (unchecked) Prevents configuration of individual analysis settings on the device.

MX: 8.2+

1 (checked) Allows configuration of individual analysis settings on the device.

MX: 8.2+

Analysis Type

Used to select the type of data to analyze for troubleshooting and/or optimizing Wi-Fi operations on the device.

Shown if: Use Analysis box is "checked"

Parm Name: AnalysisType

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
2 Connection Analyzes connection-related activities on the device.

MX: 9.1+

1 Voice Analyzes voice communications on the device.

MX: 8.2+

0 Roam Analyzes Wi-Fi roaming operations on the device.

MX: 8.2+


Used to select the Action to perform on the device.

Actions might require configuration of one or more of the following parameters:

  • Server Analytics
  • Activity Mode
  • Analysis SSID
  • Session Name
  • Logger Report Level
  • Ping Type
  • Remote Gateway
  • Custom Server Address
  • SD Card Storage

Note: For Zebra Professional-series devices, this feature requires purchase of a Mobility DNA Enterprise License. See techdocs.zebra.com/licensing.

Shown if: Analysis Type is NOT set to "Do not change"

Parm Name: Action

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
4 Do nothing This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the setting; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 8.2+

3 Export Exports data collected during the current WorryFree Wi-Fi analysis session to a file in the device file system.

MX: 8.2+

2 Clear Discards any data accumulated from the current WorryFree Wi-Fi analysis session.

MX: 8.2+

1 Stop Terminates the current WorryFree Wi-Fi analysis session.

MX: 8.2+

0 Start Starts a new WorryFree Wi-Fi analysis session, terminating any session previously in progress.

MX: 8.2+

Activity Mode

Controls whether analysis activities are performed in the background or the foreground, where they are visible to the device user.

Shown if: Action is set to "Start" and Analysis Type is NOT set to "Do not change" or "Connection"

Parm Name: ActivityMode

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
2 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the setting; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 8.2+

1 Passive Analysis Performs analysis as a foreground task, visible to the device user.

MX: 8.2+

0 Active Analysis Performs analysis as a background task, invisible to device user.

MX: 8.2+

Analysis SSID

Used to enter the service set identifier (SSID) of the network to analyze in the analysis session. Note: If the specified SSID is different than the one currently in use, the device disconnects from its current network and connects to the specified network.

Parm value input rules:

  • String from 1–32 characters containing a valid password

Shown if: Action is set to "Start" and Analysis Type and Activity Mode are NOT set to "Do not change"

Parm Name: AnalysisSSID


  • MX: 8.2+

Session Name

Used to enter the session name for an exported analysis session.

Parm value input rules:

  • String from 1–32 characters

Shown if: Action is set to "Start" and Analysis Type and Activity Mode are NOT set to "Do not change"

Parm Name: SessionName


  • MX: 8.2+

Voice Packet Filtering Rule

Used to enter one or more filtering rules (TCP, UDP, SCTP, etc.) to specify which voice protocols to analyze, excluding all others.

Parm value input rules:

  • String from 1–64 characters in the format "protocol:port"
  • Separate multiple entries with commas (e.g. “TCP:5060, UDP:5060, RTP:1024, RTP:1025")

Shown if: Action is set to "Start" and Analysis Type is "Voice" and Activity Mode is NOT "Do not change" or "Active"

Parm Name: VoicePacketFilteringRule


  • MX: 10.1+

Ping Data Enable/Disable

Controls whether ping data is generated for the analysis session on the device. If "No data" (option 0) is selected, pings sent during the analysis session contain no data. Note: The "No data" option is supported but might be removed from a future version.

Shown if: Action is set to "Start" and Analysis Type is "Roam" and Activity Mode is NOT "Passive" or "Do not change"

Parm Name: GeneratePingData

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
2 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the setting; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 8.2+

1 Ping Data Enables ping data to be generated on the device.

MX: 8.2+

0 No data (Deprecated) Disables ping data generation on the device.

MX: 8.2+

Session Storage Duration

Used to enter the length of time (HH:MM:SS) that session data is stored on device. This duration should be less than or equal to that set in the Analysis Duration parameter. Enter 00:00:00 to store data indefinitely.

Parm value input rules:

  • String from 1–32 characters in the format HH:MM:SS

Shown if: Action is set to "Start" and SD Card Storage is "Delete old Session Data" Analysis Type is NOT set to "Connection" or "Do not change" and Activity Mode is NOT "Do not change"

Parm Name: SessionStorageDuration


  • MX: 10.1+

Default Gateway

Used for checking the reachability of the connection. If selecting "User Provided Remote Server Address" (option 1), enter the address using the Remote Server Address parameter.

Shown if: Action is set to "Start" and Analysis Type is NOT set to "Do not change" and Activity Mode is NOT "Passive" or "Do not change"

Parm Name: UseDefaultGateway

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
2 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the setting; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 8.2+

1 User Provided Remote Server Address Enables a custom remote server to be used to collect the analysis data.

MX: 8.2+

0 Use Default Gateway IP Uses the default gateway set by the device system.

MX: 8.2+

Analysis Duration

Used to enter the length of time (HH:MM:SS) to perform an analysis on the device before stopping. Enter 00:00:00 to run continuously or until stopped by a device user.

Parm value input rules:

  • String from 1–32 characters in the format HH:MM:SS

Shown if: Action is set to "Start" and Analysis Type is NOT "Connection" or "Do not change" and Activity Mode is "Do not change" or "Passive"

Parm Name: AnalysisDuration


  • MX: 10.1+

Remote Server Address

Used to enter the address of a user-provided remote gateway or an alternative default gateway to the gateway stored in the device.

Parm value input rules:

  • String from 1–32 characters containing a valid URL or IP address
  • Does not accept protocol section (http://) or port numbers

Shown if: Action is set to "Start" and Use Default Gateway is set to "User Provided Remote Server Address" and Activity Mode is NOT "Do not change"

Parm Name: RemoteServerAddress


  • MX: 8.2+

Logger Report Level

Used to select the level of logging generated on the device.

Shown if: Action is set to "Start" and Analysis Type is NOT set to "Do not change" and Activity Mode is NOT "Do not change"

Parm Name: LoggerReportLevel

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
3 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the setting; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 8.2+

2 Error Logs event information relating only to detected errors.

MX: 8.2+

1 Warning Logs event information relating to warnings and detected errors.

MX: 8.2+

0 Info Logs all event information.

MX: 8.2+

SD Card Storage Pref

Used to select how captured session data is stored on the SD card in the device. Note: "Delete old Sessions" (option 2) is supported but might be removed from a future version.

Shown if: Action is set to "Start" and Analysis Type is NOT set to "Do not change" and Activity Mode is NOT "Do not change"

Parm Name: SDcardStorage

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
3 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the setting; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 8.2+

2 Delete old Sessions (Deprecated) Replaces any data generated by prior analysis sessions with data from the next analysis session.

MX: 8.2+

1 Delete old Session Data Replaces existing stored ping and packet data (if any) with ping and packet data from new analysis session.

MX: 8.2+

0 Only Live Data Stores only the most recent data from a new analysis session, replacing any existing stored data.

MX: 8.2+

Configure Capture Options (checkbox)

Controls whether packet capture options can be configured on the device.

Parm Name: UsePacketCapture

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 (unchecked) Prevents configuration of packet capture options.

MX: 8.2+

1 (checked) Allows configuration of packet capture options.

MX: 8.2+

Packet Capture Enable/Disable

Controls whether to capture packets on the device. If captured, packets are stored on the device in a file as specified in the PacketFileName parameter. Packets can be exported and used for troubleshooting. Caution: Packet capture can cause slow performance and excess battery drain.

Parm Name: EnablePacketCapture

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
2 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the setting; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 8.2+

1 Enable Enables packet capture on the device.

MX: 8.2+

0 Disable Disables packet capture on the device.

MX: 8.2+

Packet File Name

Used to enter the name of the file that contains packets captured on the device.

Parm value input rules:

  • String from 1–32 characters containing a valid file name

Parm Name: PacketFileName


  • MX: 8.2+

Max. Capture File Size

Used to enter the maximum file size (in MB) of the packet capture file. When the maximum file size is reached, the current file is saved and a new file is opened. This repeats until the Maximum Storage Size is reached.

Parm value input rules:

  • Integer from 1–80

Shown if: Enable Packet Capture is set to "Enable"

Parm Name: MaxFileSize


  • MX: 8.2+

Maximum Storage for Capture

Used to enter the maximum device storage (in MB) to use for packet capture files. When the maximum is reached, previously saved capture files are deleted, beginning with the oldest.

Parm value input rules:

  • Integer from 1–1024

Shown if: Enable Packet Capture is set to "Enable"

Parm Name: MaxStorageSize


  • MX: 8.2+

Packet Capture Type

Used to select the type of packets (aka "frames") to capture on the target device. Management frames are used by stations to join and leave a basic service set, which typically consists of an access point (AP) and its associated stations. This differs from a basic service area, which refers to an AP's coverage area.

When Management type is selected (option 1), only the following packets are captured:

  • Association request
  • Association response
  • Re-association request
  • Re-association response
  • Probe request
  • Probe response
  • Beacon
  • ATIM
  • Disassociation
  • Authentication
  • De-authentication
  • Action

Shown if: Enable Packet Capture is set to "Enable"

Parm Name: PacketCaptureType

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
2 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the setting; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 9.1+

1 All Captures all packet types.

MX: 9.1+

0 Management Captures only management packets.

MX: 9.1+

Coverage View (checkbox)

Controls whether to configure Coverage View, which provides access to settings for capture Actions, Coverage Actions, Scan Feature Types, reachability and other coverage-related parameters that follow below.

Coverage View provides a graphical display of the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) parameter from the device's Wi-Fi adapter along with the basic service set identifier (BSSID). The BSSID is a combination of the 24-bit identifier keys for the AP manufacturer's identity and the radio chipset in use.

Shown if: Activate setting is NOT "Turn off"

Parm Name: UseCoverageView

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 (unchecked) Disables Coverage View on the target device.

MX: 9.1+

1 (checked) Enables Coverage View on the target device.

MX: 9.1+

Scan Feature Type

Used to select whether to scan all network profiles stored on the device or only that of the currently connected network.

Shown if: Use Coverage View checkbox is "checked" and Activate Code is NOT "Do not change"

Parm Name: ScanFeatureType

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
1 Scan Scans for all network profiles (SSIDs) on the device.

MX: 9.1+

0 Coverage View Scans only the profile of the currently connected network (SSID) on the device.

MX: 9.1+

Coverage Action

Used to select the Coverage Action to perform on the device while displaying a Coverage View. This feature helps identify poor Wi-Fi coverage areas in a specific environment or deployment. Coverage View provides a graphical display of the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) parameter from the device's Wi-Fi adapter along with the basic service set identifier (BSSID). The BSSID is a combination of the 24-bit identifier keys for the AP manufacturer's identity and the radio chipset in use.

Shown if: Scan Feature Type is NOT "Do not change"

Parm Name: CoverageAction

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
3 Export Exports data collected during the current WorryFree Wi-Fi analysis session to a file in the device file system.

MX: 9.1+

2 Clear Discards any data accumulated from the current WorryFree Wi-Fi analysis session.

MX: 9.1+

1 Stop Terminates the current WorryFree Wi-Fi analysis session.

MX: 9.1+

0 Start Starts a new WorryFree Wi-Fi analysis session, terminating any session previously in progress.

MX: 9.1+

Coverage SSID

Used to enter the Coverage service set identifier (SSID) of the network to analyze in the analysis session. Note: If the specified SSID is different than the one currently in use, the device disconnects from its current network and connects to the specified network.

Parm value input rules:

  • String from 1–32 characters containing a valid password

Shown if: Scan Feature Type is "Coverage View" and Use Coverage Action is "Start"

Parm Name: CoverageSSID


  • MX: 9.1+

Scan Interval

Used to select the time (in seconds) between scans on the device. This parameter is intended to help strike a balance between device resource utilization (scanning too frequently) and failure to detect important events (scanning too seldom).

Note: NOT supported on TC20/TC25 devices.

Shown if: Coverage Action is "Start" and Scan Feature Type is NOT "Do not change"

Parm Name: ScanInterval

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 6 Sets the Scan Interval at six seconds.

MX: 9.2+

1 7 Sets the Scan Interval at seven seconds.

MX: 9.2+

2 8 Sets the Scan Interval at eight seconds.

MX: 9.2+

3 9 Sets the Scan Interval at nine seconds.

MX: 9.2+

4 11 Sets the Scan Interval at 11 seconds.

MX: 9.2+

5 12 Sets the Scan Interval at 12 seconds.

MX: 9.2+

6 13 Sets the Scan Interval at 13 seconds.

MX: 9.2+

7 14 Sets the Scan Interval at 14 seconds.

MX: 9.2+

Auto Reachability Test

This is the On/Off switch for auto-reachability test functions on the device, which can identify potential issues relating to roaming and other connection events.

Shown if: Scan Feature Type is "Coverage View" and Use Coverage Action is "Start"

Parm Name: AutoReachabilityTest

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
2 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the setting; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 9.1+

1 Turn on Activates the auto-reachability test on the device.

MX: 9.1+

0 Turn off Deactivates the auto-reachability test on the device.

MX: 9.1+

Coverage Session Name

Used to enter a session name for an analysis of a particular Coverage View.

Parm value input rules:

  • String from 1–32 characters containing a valid password

Shown if: Scan Feature Type is "Coverage View" and Use Coverage Action is "Start"

Parm Name: SessionNameCoverage


  • MX: 9.1+

SD Card Storage Coverage Pref

Used to determine how analysis session data is stored when the critical storage threshold (85%) on the device's secondary SD card is reached.

Shown if: Scan Feature Type is "Coverage View" and Use Coverage Action is "Start"

Parm Name: SDcardStorageCoverage

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
3 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the setting; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 9.1+

2 Delete old Sessions Replaces any data generated by prior analysis sessions with data from the next analysis session.

MX: 9.1+

1 Delete old Ping and Packet Data Replaces existing stored ping and packet data (if any) with ping and packet data from new analysis session.

MX: 9.1+

0 Only Live Data Stores only the most recent data from a new analysis session, replacing any existing stored data.

MX: 9.1+

End-user Control

Controls whether the device user can access the in-device UI for configuring WorryFree Wi-Fi settings for the device.

Shown if: Use Global Settings checkbox is "checked"

Parm Name: EndUserControl

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
2 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the setting; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 8.2+

1 Enable Allows the device user to configure WorryFree Wi-Fi settings.

MX: 8.2+

0 Disable Prevents the device user from configuring WorryFree Wi-Fi settings.

MX: 8.2+

Old Password

Used to enter the previous password when changing the password used by the device user to access WorryFree Wi-Fi configuration settings.

Parm value input rules:

  • String from 1–32 characters containing valid password characters

Shown if: Use Global Settings checkbox is "checked"

Parm Name: OldPassword


  • MX: 9.1+

Temporary Password Enable/Disable

Controls whether to allow the assignment of a Temporary Password, which grants the device user access to Worry-free Wi-Fi packet collection and encryption options on the device without the need to share the full administrative password (which provides full access and never expires). Set the password value using the Temporary Password parameter. Set the temporary period (from one to 168 hours) using the Temporary Password Duration parameter.

Note: NOT supported on TC20/TC25 devices.

Parm Name: EnableTemporaryPassword

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
2 Do not change This value (or the absence of this parm from the XML) causes no change to the setting; any previously selected setting is retained.

MX: 9.2+

1 Enable Enables the assignment of a temporary password for access to Worry-free Wi-Fi settings on the device.

MX: 9.2+

0 Disable Disables the assignment of a temporary password, preventing access to Worry-free Wi-Fi settings on the device.

MX: 9.2+

Temporary Password

Used to enter the Temporary Password, which grants the device user access to WorryFree Wi-Fi packet collection and encryption options on the device for a period of time set with the Temporary Password Duration parameter.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If a barcode is created with Zebra StageNow using MX 10.2 or older, a password with fewer than eight (8) characters is permitted. However, an "invalid password" error results if that barcode is scanned with a device containing a com.symbol.mxmf.csp.worryfreewifimgr CSP version greater than 9.3.1. To display the version of any CSP on a device, enable "Show System" in Settings -> Apps.

Parm value input rules:

  • MX 10.3 and later: String from 8–32 containing valid password characters
  • MX 10.2 and earlier: String from 1–32 containing valid password characters

Note: NOT supported on TC20/TC25 devices. Devices with MX 10.3 and later require a minimum password length of eight (8) characters.

Shown if: Enable Temporary Password is set to "Enable"

Parm Name: TemporaryPassword


  • MX: 9.2+


Used to enter the password for access by the device user to WorryFree Wi-Fi configuration settings.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If a barcode is created with Zebra StageNow using MX 10.2 or older, a password with fewer than eight (8) characters is permitted. However, an "invalid password" error results if that barcode is scanned with a device containing a com.symbol.mxmf.csp.worryfreewifimgr CSP version greater than 9.3.1. To display the version of any CSP on a device, enable "Show System" in Settings -> Apps.

Parm value input rules:

  • MX 10.3 and later: String from 8–32 containing valid password characters
  • MX 10.2 and earlier: String from 1–32 containing valid password characters

Note: Devices with MX 10.3 and later require a minimum password length of eight (8) characters.

Shown if: Use Global Settings checkbox is "checked"

Parm Name: Password


  • MX: 8.2+

Temporary Password Duration

Used to enter the Temporary Password Duration (in hours), after which the Temporary Password expires and prevents further access to WorryFree Wi-Fi packet collection and encryption options on the device. Permissable range is between one and 168 hours (seven days).

Parm value input rules:

  • Integer from 1–168

Note: NOT supported on TC20/TC25 devices.

Shown if: Enable Temporary Password is set to "Enable"

Parm Name: TemporaryPasswordDuration


  • MX: 9.2+

Global Config (checkbox)

Controls end-user access to configuration of the password and user access to data analysis settings.

Parm Name: UseGlobalConfig

Option Name Description Note Status Requires
0 (unchecked) Prevents configuration of global settings on the device.

MX: 8.2+

1 (checked) Allows configuration of global settings on the device.

MX: 8.2+