This Wizard aids in selection of the MX version, which determines the functionality and settings available for selection in the Profile.
Use this Wizard to configure the most common device settings such as locale, security options, applications, MDM enrollment, and production network settings.
Use this Wizard to connect to an Ethernet, GPRS or Wi-Fi network.
Use this Wizard to enroll a device for management by a Mobile Device Management system. This downloads, installs, configures and launches an MDM agent, allows connection to a staging and/or production network and can reboot the device.
Use this Wizard to manage applications on a device. This downloads, installs, uninstalls and launches any applications. This Wizard also allows connection to a staging and/or production network, installation of licenses, configuration of SimulScan, downloading of data files and rebooting the device.
Use this Wizard to configure security options and policies on a device, including white- and blacklisting applications, controling screen time-outs and enabling/disabling the SD card, camera, GPRS, Bluetooth, GPS radios or the USB port.
Use this Wizard to perform an OS update or OS patch on a device. This downloads and applies a zip file to the device or applies an zip file that exists on the device. This Wizard also allows connection to a network.
Use this Wizard to erase some device data using an Enterprise Reset or all data using Factory Reset.
Xpert Mode allows enhanced control of the options and processes offered through the Profile Wizards and Setting Types to build custom Profiles. In this mode, the administrator can use any settings and/or Wizards offered in the StageNow tool in any order.
The Zero Touch Wizard automates configuration of a device's network settings to enable a "factory-fresh" device to connect to the internet for access to Google Zero Touch servers, which perform Device Owner EMM Enrollment with no user interaction.